Friday 29 August 2014

'I never went to university' - billionaire Folorunsho Alakija admits

One of Africa's richest women and chairman of Famfa Oil, Mrs Folorunsho Alakija yesterday August 27th revealed that she never went to a university, saying one does not need a university education to make it in life. Mrs Alakija said this while speaking with students of the University of Lagos during the 2014 UN International Youths Day in Lagos
 "I come from Ikorodu, Lagos state. I am married to a dashing young lawyer of 70 years of age and we have four grown up gentlemen and grandchildren. It has not been a rag to riches fairytale. It has not been an overnight phenomenon like some cases which you find here and there all over the world. For as long as I can remember, I had always wanted my own business. Hard trying to tell you how I got to where I am if you want those billions. Hard work, diligence, persistence...days where you nearly gave up but I chose not to give up." Continue...
 It would have been easy to compromise but I chose not to and I stayed focus. I could have stayed a secretary as my father desired according to his plan for me but I had bigger aspirations. I dreamt big. God strengthened me and gave me wisdom. I had a passion and burning desire to succeed. Being a secretary, a banker, a fashion icon, a cooperate promoter and printer, a real estate owner, an oil magnate, that I can assure you was no easy feat. Firm belief that what is worth doing is what doing well or not doing at all. I took charge of my life with the tools I have shared with you. I chose to become born again at the age of 40. I chose to make a covenant with God that if he would bless me I would work for him all the days of my life. I chose to hold on to the cross and look up to him every step of the way. Today additional accomplishment includes a wife of almost 40 years, a mother, grandmother, ministry, counselling, outreach, NGO Rose of Sharon Foundation for widows and Author, writer, author of several inspirational books. All I say to the glory of God. So I am 63 and I am not yet done. So what is your excuse? I never went to a University and I am proud to say so because I don't think I have done too badly. You do not have to have a University education to be able to make it so count yourselves privileged to have that education as part of the feather in your cap" she said.

Boko Haram reportedly ‘beheading’ Christians in Gwoza


According to reports, Boko Haram militants are beheading young men in the Christian community in Gwoza, the Borno town that the insurgent group recently took over and declared an Islamic caliphate.

Sources from the town claim that Christian men who refuse to convert to Islam are being beheaded while the women are being forced into marriages with the insurgents.
"It is quite clear that terrorism has no friend, but it is abundantly clear that the Christians are worst hit. The whole town and the Parish rectory have been occupied by the terrorists. So many structures and items have been vandalized. Dozens have been killed and a lot of church structures have been burnt down. Christians in the town are really in a terrible situation, a moment of great persecution. Christian men were caught and beheaded, the women were forced to become Muslims and were taken as wives to the terrorists.” Rev. Fr. Gideon Obasogie, the social communications director of the catholic diocese of Maiduguri said. Continue...“It might surprise you to know that no one knows the state of affairs in this terrorist zone. The houses of Christians that have fled are now occupied by the ‘haramists’. Their cars are used by the terrorists,” Rev Obasogie said.
He also said Boko Haram sympathizers in Gwoza showed the militants homes belonging to Christians and even showed them where some of the Christians went to hide when the killing began. They were fished out and killed.

Photos: See how Nigerians seek asyllum under harsh conditions in South Africa

Here are some photos and a video shot by Sahara TV that captures the plight of Nigerian immigrants seeking asylum under harsh conditions in Pretoria, South Africa. According to a South African immigration officer, about 1000 Nigerians besiege their office on a daily basis seeking asylum. See more photos and the video after the cut...

Hours after executing 300 Syrian soldiers, ISIS parade capatured Kurds, then beheads one


ISIS militants yesterday released a video showing them executing about 300 Syrian soldiers they captured near the Tabqa air base as the soldiers attempted to flee the fallen air base in Raqqa, Syria.

They stripped the soldiers down to their briefs, took them to the desert, lined them up and executed them. Then hours later, they posted another video showing captured Kurd fighters wearing orange prison uniforms. This time they executed only one....beheaded him on video (pictured right)...while warning the Kurds to break from their alliance with the US government against the caliphate or face more capture and executions.

Islamic State also threatened America in the video, warning them to cease its support of the Kurdish people or they will continuing beheading prisoners, including Americans. See the photos after the cut

The Syrian soldiers that were executed...


Pastor Oyakhilome’s wife files for divorce in London court, alleges adultery

According to The Cable, the dissolution of the marriage between Christ Embassy Church founder, Pastor Chris Oyakhilome, and his wife, Rev. Anita Odegwa Oyakhilome, has entered the final phase.

The wife is seeking divorce on the grounds of “unreasonable behaviour” and “adultery”. She outlined several allegations against the pastor which cannot publish for legal reasons. The divorce case, with Suit No FD14D01650, was filed on April 9, 2014 at Divorce Section A, Central Family Court, First Avenue House, High Holborn, London, UK, on Anita’s behalf by Attwaters Jameson Hill Solicitors, a full-service law firm with expertise in commercial law and a strong consumer focus in family, wills and estate, personal injury law and medical negligence. 
 Efforts to reconcile the popular couple, whose church is one of the biggest denominations in Nigeria and has branches all over world, have failed. They have two teenage daughters, Sharon and Charlyn." Continue...
Oyakhilome is the president of Believers’ Love World Inc, the registered name of the Christian ministry, while his wife is the vice-president. The pastor, according to an elder of the church, has denied allegations of adultery and believes his wife is being influenced by “bad friends” who are intent on destroying their home. While Anita believes she has been relegated in the scheme of things in the church, her husband has reportedly accused her of trying to usurp power and authority above her seniors in the ministry. Sources told TheCable that the pastor had been making efforts to avoid divorce in the hope that the wife would eventually have a change of mind. However, the decree nissi was served on the charismatic pastor in his hotel room during a recent visit to the UK. Decree nissi, in legal terms, is like a yellow card in a football match which is a precursor to a red card (“decree absolute”) if no new evidence is provided to stall proceedings. Church insiders said Oyakhilome had been hoping for rapprochement, but he was left with no option than to receive the papers when the lawyers cornered him at his hotel in London. The decree absolute, which will effectively end the marriage, is expected to be issued soon while terms of the divorce will be worked out by the lawyers on both sides.
Source: TheCable

3 hotel staff in Lagos arrested for recording customer’s sex act and blackmailing him with it

Three hotel attendants namely, Sunday Okon, 23; Rita Emmanuiel, 28; and Goodness Akpan 24; all staff of an undisclosed hotel in the Ogudu area of Lagos were yesterday August 28th arraigned before an Ogudu Chief Magistrate Court in Lagos for allegedly filming a hotel customer's sex act on August 13th and using it to blackmail him.

According to the News Agency of Nigeria, NAN, the three accused persons used the hotel's CCTV to record an unidentified man's sex act with his girlfriend. They produced a DVD on it and used it to demand a N10million ransom from the man. They also posted the video on Facebook on Aug 13th and 23rd after the man refused to pay up.
The suspects pleaded not guilty to the charges and were granted N100,000 bail each with two sureties of like sum. They were moved to the Kirikiri prison pending the time they meet their bail conditions while the case was adjourned till September 19th.

Thursday 28 August 2014

LADIES: 15 Tips To Keep Your Man Wrapped Around Your Finger

Earlier today, a friend drew my attention to a short article about how ladies can keep their men. When I opened it I was not convinced at all, and was even somewhat irritated on why it always has to be about men. That however is a topic for another day.

I decided to do  a little research and this is what I came up with. I hope its helps any lady reading this, and you can relate with it like I can.
Read all after the cut:

#15 Stroke His Ego
Everyone knows women love compliments. They aren’t the only ones. He may not want to hear that he’s “pretty”. But a compliment on his hair or his outfit wouldn’t go amiss. Listen to what he says to you. Tell him when you think something is smart. Is he in a band? Tell him what you like about the way he plays. He’ll tune in to you when he knows you see him for what he is.

#14 Be Yourself
Want to hold his attention? Show him the real you. Invite him on a date that you’d really enjoy. Share your thoughts with him. Play him your favorite tunes the next time you hang out there. It can be scary to put yourself all the way out there. But it’s the only way to show him the special parts about you that will make him want to stick around. And if he doesn’t like the real you, it’s time to find someone who does.

#13 Initiate
Men love a little initiative. That goes double in bed. Put a little effort in. Grab a women’s magazine and try out some tips. Or, just ask him what he likes. Throw something extra into each romp. Your flexibility will keep him interested and excited. And you’ll have a lot of fun too.

#12 Get Proactive
It’s 2014. Don’t be afraid to make the first move. Want to hang out more? Ask him on a date. Going crazy waiting for him to call? Pick up the phone. Once you make the move, pay attention to his reaction. If it’s positive, you’re in! If he acts standoffish, it may be time to share your charms with someone else.

#11 Keep Mum
You’re supposed to share in relationships. But you don’t have to reveal your motives. In fact, you shouldn’t. Attraction should happen naturally. At least, it should look like it’s happening naturally. Don’t tell him that you’re afraid he’s slipping away. You’ll sound clingy. He’ll suspect that everything you do after that is a ploy for his attention.

#10 Work Toward Your Goals
Your social life shouldn’t be your only focus. Men like successful women. Reach for the stars and he’ll respect your drive. He’ll also fall in love with your passion. Your busy schedule will give you lots to talk about. His parents will see you as a perfect match. And his friends will want to network with you. Plus, you’ll give yourself a confidence boost when you accomplish your goals.

#9 Speak Your Mind
Don’t be afraid to be opinionated. Men like women with strong identities. Engage him in conversation over drinks. Speak up about issues that are important to you. Don’t be afraid to defend your point if its different from his. He’ll respect your differences. And he’ll come to you for your opinion. Agree with everything he says without letting your personality shine and he may get bored of your conversations.

#8 Be A Social Butterfly
Keep your calendar full. He’ll have to squeeze in dates with you. A big social circle will keep you busy. When he sees you hanging out with other people, he’ll want to monopolize more of your time. And he’ll feel free to do so without worrying about you being clingy. When he does call, go out whenever he wants. The next time he rings, make him work around your busy schedule. You’ll keep him interested while making sure you don’t neglect your friends.

#7 Spruce Up
Men are visual creatures. Fix yourself up if you want to grab his attention. You don’t have to do anything drastic. A little lipstick and a pair of jeans you love go a long way.
You’ll do more than catch his eye. You’ll catch your own. And he’ll pick up on your confidence. Wear your favorite clothing or makeup each time you see him. Your efforts will keep him interested.

#6 Get Busy
Men can take you for granted when you’re too available. Develop interests outside the relationship. What have you always wanted to do? Devote some time every week to that. Your passion for your new hobby may re-ignite his passion for you. He’ll miss you the night or so a week you’re unavailable. He’ll put extra effort to get together when you’re free. Plus you’ll have a chance to accomplish those goals you’ve always had your eye on.

#5 Flirt a Little
Men are competitive animals. There’s nothing wrong with a little light flirting in his presence. Smile at the barista until he smiles back. Be a social butterfly at the next party you visit. Keep the moments short and when you know he’s watching. It will stir up a little harmless jealousy. He’ll see that other people appreciate your good qualities. And it will remind him that he doesn’t want anyone else to have you.

#4 Feed Him
Men are simpler than you think. They’re roughly 50% stomach. Food is a great way to keep a man interested. You don’t even have to cook. Just give him his favorite food. Pack him a lunch to take with him. You’ll travel right through his stomach to his heart. But don’t be a door mat. Good meals are for boys with good behavior.

#3 Share His Interests
The things you have in common will keep you together. Try taking part in the things he likes. If he plays the guitar, mess around on the bass. Does he like basketball? Watch the occasional game with him. Even if you don’t fall in love with the sport, he’ll appreciate the effort. He may even put in the effort to participate in stuff that you like. Hanging out doing the things that you both enjoy will keep you both interested.

#2 Head to the Gym
Keeping fit is a great way to keep a man. Your man will find your new confidence irresistible. Exercise will make you look sexier which will catch his eye. And that’s not all it will do. Exercise releases endorphins. Endorphins keep you confident. They also improve your mood. Your cheerful attitude and healthy figure will keep him as interested as he was in the beginning.

#1 Decide If He’s Worth It
All relationships require work. Not all relationships deserve it. Take a moment to think about why he’s drifting. Is he interested in other women? Are you two naturally drifting apart? Sometimes relationships reach a natural end. Are you sure it’s worth the fight? Sometimes panic can drive you to save a relationship even when you’re not really interested.

If you have learnt one or two things and can relate to this article, do leave your comments.

10 Types Of Women You Should Never Date

Guys, this is exclusively for you. Have you ever wondered why the women you date always turn out to be annoying or weird in some way? Have you ever thought that perhaps you have been choosing the wrong type of women? Below is a list of ten different types of women you should avoid, according to an article I just came across. Read carefully and see if you can learn one or two things.
1. The ChatterboxThis is the woman who never shuts up, barely stopping to breathe. Seemingly only concerned about what is going on in her life, she always has to make a comment about everything and dominates conversations.
2. The Desperate ChickThis type of woman will seem fantastic at first, until she starts talking about your wedding location, how many kids she wants and the name of your future dog–right after the first date! When a woman advances WAY faster than normal, watch out. She NEEDS a man so bad that she’s willing to put anybody in that slot, even the homeless guy on the corner.

3. The Overly-Critical Woman
Anything you do for this type of woman is simply not good enough. Nothing seems to work unless it is done according to her standards. Anything that is said by anyone will be quickly taken out of context to become some sort of insult or some reason to wage war against the world. This type of woman has plenty of emotional baggage and will make you an angry and bitter person as there will be nothing but misery with her.

4. The Bimbo
This type of woman can’t obtain a GED but has managed to secure a PhD in the science of the bedroom. This is an intellectually challenged woman who looks great but, in all honesty, shouldn’t open her mouth. Her skills are unquestionably only rooted in the physical realm and unless you’re just after one-night stands, you do not want to bring a stupid girl home to meet Mom and Dad. The majority of girls you see on the streets everyday fall into this category,

5. The High Maintenance Chick
If this type of woman breaks a nail, she expects you to drop everything you’re doing to drive her to the salon immediately. Her daddy always told her she was a princess and she expects to be treated like one at all times. She has expensive taste and expects you to shower her with only the best things and take her out to posh places on a regular basis. If you don’t have a lot of money and a penchant for luxury, don’t even bother.

6. The Clingy Girl
This woman is a nuisance who can’t go anywhere or do anything without the company of her man. She’ll adopt your interests, calls 20 times a day and fly off the handle anytime she’s not around to monitor your behavior. This type of woman will smother any chance of you missing her by insisting that you spend every waking moment with her, refusing to let you go out with the boys or spend any significant amount of time with anyone else.

7. The Baby’s Mama
This woman has a great physique, great personality and her toes are pretty too! There’s only one problem–she’s got a pretty large amount of children with assorted “baby-daddy’s”, and when women like this get desperate, any and every guy has the potential to be “daddy.” This woman got knocked up by somebody that she was supposedly in love with, and not only is she a bad judge of character, she’s GROSSLY irresponsible. The same guys that are “jerks” now are the same guys she once thought the world of and had unprotected sex with.

8. The Gold Digger
The Gold-Digger will compliment you on your expensive watch, ask you what kind of car you drive, what you do for a living, where you live and so on. Like the high maintenance woman, the Gold Digger is basically looking for a sugar daddy, she’ll size you up within the first five minutes and drop you just as quickly if your cash flow runs out and you can’t take her shopping anymore. These types of women will just suck your wallet dry and leave you emasculated. Fortunately,you can usually see this type coming from a mile away. She wants to write out the names of all her designer items and post it on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook.

9. The Club Girl
Club girls are nothing more than fantasy women who have been practically living in bars and clubs since they hit the legal drinking age. They have beautiful faces with full lips, big doe eyes, great legs, and all the curves you could ever ask for. The problem in dating these women is that they love to wear clothes that show off their great assets not just to you, but to every Tom, man-hood and Harry on the street. A woman like this may be carefree and wild; however, once you take a closer look, you’ll realize that her entire life is a party and most nights will end with her puking in your car. Or waking up hungover, in some guy’s bed in the morning.

10. The Feminist
This type of woman can never be pleased by a man and she believes that men are the cause of all the pains and suffering of society. It is her strong belief that women are much more intelligent than men and are capable of doing things “the right way”. You don’t want to waste any time with this type of woman because anything that you do will always be negative to her.

Women, your take on this article?

For Mature Men: What You Should Know About A Woman’s Privates -Dr. Biodun Ogungbo

I found this interesting article on PUNCH and after going though it and reading the comments, I knew I had to share with you guys. While some found it very interesting and informative, others found it degrading and insulting to women. Read below and share your perspective on the article by leaving comments.
A wise girl saw some of her male classmates plucking mangoes. She pleaded for one, but they refused and asked her to climb. She climbed and plucked as many as possible. When she got home, her mother asked, “My dear, how did you get all these mangoes?” She replied, “I asked my classmates to give me, they refused and told me to climb. So, I climbed the tree and plucked them.”
The mother shouted and said, “Foolish girl, didn’t you know that they wanted to see your pant?” The girl smiled and said, “I know mama, that’s why I removed it before climbing.”
This article is for men and it discusses what they need to know about this all-important female body part — the vagina (also called the birth canal). This is a no-holds-barred health information supplement for you. If you cannot deal with such details, then please stop reading now. If you can, just lie back and enjoy.

There have been many articles attesting to the joys of regular sex and its many health benefits. In fact, one article recommended that women should go to bed without knickers in order to air out the vagina during sleep. Men like that, as it sends the ‘right’ signals. It is also nice to perhaps have a late night shower!

A comedian once said that the best adornment to wear for it is ‘specticles.’ And if you are taking it out for exercise, you should ensure it is in pretty good shape and looking fine.

Many men prefer a shaved vagina and I do prescribe it for you. It is important in order to enjoy the act of sex: visually, geographically and maximally as P-Square would say. Further, you should use all your senses when in front of the vagina and do not just be ruled by your ‘brain!’ Be in tune with all the different sensory stimuli from your partner.

I won’t go into any sordid details, but you need to appreciate the smell of the vagina you are interacting with. This is from the health point of view. The vagina should smell fresh and natural without insulting the nostrils. Odd smells reminiscent of the fish joint or ‘mama put’ bukateria should be frowned upon. Insist on an open discussion and an explanation before further events. Discuss the issue of discharges, even menstrual flow and infection openly with your partner and show you care. Of course, you care about the health and wellbeing of both of you.

Let’s make one important point about cleanliness of the vagina. Douching is washing or cleaning out the vagina with water or other mix¬tures of fluids. It is not recommended and appears to cause more harm than good. The vagina has its own resident bacteria which the normal acidity of the vagina keeps under control. But douching can change this delicate balance. This may make a woman more prone to vaginal infections. Plus, douching can spread existing vaginal infections up into the uterus, fallopian tubes, and ovaries.

Visual inspection and admiration of the vagina enhances sexual intercourse. It is also of real health benefit. Look for rash, cold sores and blisters which may indicate scabies or even herpes. Be aware of vaginal discharges, including bleeding during sex. Evaluate the discharge or secretions from the vagina for normality.

For example, cervical cancer causes odd, smelly discharges, bleeding and pain during sex. Ask questions about routine assessments by the doctor and encourage your partner to seek help. I think that every household should have their own gynaecologist/obstetrician. Learn to share!

Everyone should be appalled by female genital mutilation (FGM) as still practised in some parts of Nigeria. Should you know of anyone who believes in this criminal act, please kindly report them to the police. FGM spoils the beauty of the vagina and should be abolished forever.

Some vaginas make noise as if you are on a joke fart pillow. And some others make a sloshing sound due to so much vaginal secretions or perhaps a poor fit. You decide. It could be that you need a penile enlargement or maybe she needs a tailor. I know a good one!

Is sex painful for your partner? All that exercise too much for the vagina to take? It might not be down to your own physical fitness and prowess. Painful sex can be due to bacterial vaginosis, vaginitis, vaginismus and rough sex. Listen to your partner for sounds of joy and not cries of pain.

It takes time, practice and an anatomy lesson to appreciate the feel of the vagina and navigate your way to all the hot spots without using Global Positioning Satellite. Most of the vagina is erogenous but a combination of touches and feel allow you to discover what works for your partner.

The G-spot is one of those favourite places that many men look for. It’s one of the wonders of the world and worth revisiting time and time again. Once you find it in the vagina, your woman becomes or can become putty in your hands.  Please don’t ask me where it is!

NB: Whatever became of the advocacy against the abusive practice of sexual exploitation of babies/girls from poor families by men old enough to be their grandfathers? What was achieved? Has this paedophilia stopped or abated? Just a question!

Wunmi Obe celebrates hubby Tunde Obe as he turns a year older

They've been together - first as friends, then lovers, then husband and wife since the late 80s. Happy birthday to him...

Meet the teenager with the longest neck in the world

Doctors say most necks have 7 vertebrae but 15 year old Chinese boy Fu Wengui (pictured above) has 10. As a young boy he was diagnosed with Congenital Scoliosis and an abnormal chest frame which made his neck grow extra three inches. This causes him a lot of pain and makes it hard for Fu to walk. Congenital scoliosis is caused by the bones in the spine developing abnormally in the womb.
"He always causes a stir when he's out. The vertebrae press on the nerves in his neck and make it difficult for him to walk." his dad, Genyou said
Fortunately for Fu, after his situation was made public, a Beijing-based charity agreed to finance a procedure and treatment. He will have corrective surgery that will hopefully reduce the length of his neck and ease the discomfort.

Wednesday 27 August 2014

Condolence register opened as church denies Sadela’s death

Gospel Apostolic Church, GAC, yesterday, described as untrue, rumours that its President and Founder of 42 years, Pa Samuel Akinbode Sadela, is dead even as people have started extolling the virtues of the old man in a condolence register opened yesterday.
Pa Sadela, regarded as the oldest preacher in the country, was said to have died in a Lagos hospital after complications relating to old age.
But when newsmen sought confirmation from the church in Gbagada area of Lagos, security personnel at the church and other church workers denied the report.
However, late last night our reporter confirmed that the oldest preacher had indeed passed on at the age of 114.
One of the senior pastors at the church, Femi Atode, said though the church’s President was receiving treatment in hospital, there was no indication that he had passed on.According to Atode, for the past five years, Pa Sadela who turned 114 years recently did not miss church programmes until last Sunday. He said the information regarding his death was mere speculation by members of the public.‘’It is a mere speculation that the old man is dead.
Though he is aged, he still performed his church roles until last Sunday.“Perhaps people are apprehensive that he was absent last Sunday, but believe me, the man is alive but hospitalised.“If such a thing has happened, the church would have announced it,” Atode, who described the oldest preacher in Nigeria as a man with a large heart, said the summer coaching he started is on-going (pointing to a near-by building).
“I believe the place would have been locked if the founder is dead. He instructed us to start a summer coaching since 1992 and thousands of students have benefited from this without paying a penny.
“Baba was once advised to collect a token from the students but he refused, saying the gift of God is free. Also, the church runs a free evening coaching for Jambites and this has made immense contribution to residents’’, he noted.Pa Sadela, a native of Ifon, Ondo State established the church in 1972 under the instruction of the founder of Christ Apostolic Church, Apostle Joseph Babalola, and the church has attracted people from far and wide.
Vanguard had visited the church’s headquarters in Lagos, in response to several calls that the oldest preacher passed on yesterday, in an undisclosed hospital but Atode insisted that their founder was alive. ‘’Before such information gets to the public we are in the best position to verify it. But as I am talking to you, there is nothing of that nature.’’When Vanguard arrived the church around 3.00 pm, only the security team and few pastors were seen without any indication that the church was mourning.

What happened to the N1.9b 'Ebola Fund'?

What happened to the N1.9b 'Ebola Fund'? Looks like the money is for cars
Nigeria now has only one confirmed case of Ebola Virus Disease (EVD), Minister of Health Onyebuchi Chukwu said today, as he asserted that the country has brought the disease under control.

 Two treated patients, a male doctor and a female nurse, were discharged on Monday evening, having satisfied the criteria for discharge, he said in a press statement signed by his spokesman, Dan Nwomeh.

 Dr. Chukwu described the lone confirmed case as a secondary contact of Mr. Patrick Sawyer, the Liberian-American who brought the disease into Nigeria, and a spouse of one of the physicians who participated in the management of the index case
The question now is, What happened to the N1.9b 'Ebola Fund'?

Runaway Soldiers Return From Cameroon, Sighted In Adamawa

Some of the 480 Nigerian soldiers that fled to Cameroon following a fierce battle with Boko Haram militants in locations around Borno and Adamawa states  have returned as residents of Mubi town in Adamawa State, it has emerged.

Some of the villagers reported seeing tired and tattered-looking soldiers arrive.

 The residents said they saw several soldiers, wearing torn uniforms and gloomy faces, returned in the wee hours of Tuesday.

 The villagers who said they were at first frightened, suspecting that the soldiers were bokoharam in disguise men later realized they were indeed soldiers.

The Defence Headquarters has also issued a brief statement confirming the return of the soldiers.

 It said the “troops who returned from Cameroon were today addressed by the General Officer Commanding 3 Division, Major General Zaruwa as they embarked on another mission in the Counter Terrorism campaign”. 

All the soldiers are in high spirit with all their weapons and equipment intact, the statement added.

Friday 22 August 2014

Event Coverage PROMO


*Pre-Wedding Shots
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*Red Carpet Interviews
*200 Customized Jotters
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*3 Photo Frames
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*Live Musical Band
*DJ Service.

*Pre-Wedding Shots
*Still Photography (A Camera)
*Motion Photography (A Camera)
*Red Carpet Interviews
*200 Customized Jotters
*1 Customized Roll up Banner
*3 Photo Frames
*Sophisticated Photobook
*Soft Copy edited Pictures on CD
*Live Musical Band
*DJ Service.

*Still Photography (A Camera)
*Motion Photography (A Camera)
*Red Carpet Interviews
*3 Photo Frames
*Sophisticated Photobook
*Soft Copy edited Pictures on CD
*Live Musical Band
*DJ Service.

*Still Photography (A Camera)
*Motion Photography (A Camera)
*3 Photo Frames
*Sophisticated Photobook
*Soft Copy edited Pictures on CD
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Top celebrity endorsements and their worth

Endorsements from various corporate bodies have become a major source of revenue for  top entertainment celebrities. Musicians, comedians and Nollywood stars now smile to the banks on account of what they get paid by these blue chip companie These endorsement deals are usually worth multi millions of naira and our celebrities are laughing all the way to the bank. We highlight celebrities with the most endorsements and how much they’re worth
Funke Akindele –  N20 million deal with Vita Foam
Funke Akindele shot into prominence with the release of her smash hit movie Jenifa where she made over #60 million. Since then, she has become the queen of endorsements with numerous brands using her to advertise their products. Her endorsements include Vitafoam where she got #20 million. Telecoms giant Globacom,,, Klin detergent, Lagos Inland Revenue Service and  Nigeria’s premier detergent, OMO are among those paying the actress mouth-watering money to represent them in our capacity or the other.
Don Jazzy – N50 million package from Loya Milk
Don Jazzy has become a very wealthy man, even making Forbes List as the richest artiste in Nigeria. The CEO of Mavin Records isn’t only making money from his star-studded record label, he also has very lucrative endorsement deals including one with Loya Milk where he got nothing less than #50 million. His #25 million deal with MTN, and his mouth-watering endorsement with Samsung Africa rake in millions of naira.
Genevieve Nnaji: N100 million Etisalat deal
Genevieve Nnaji is one of the richest actresses in Nollywood and she achieved the feat not only by starring in high budget films but also by promoting several blue chip brands. Some of the brands she is representing or has represented include Lux, Cintrion Energy drink, Range Rover Evogue, Etisalat, Polo and Amstel Malta. The  Etisalat deal alone earned her N100 million.The Polo deal is put in the region of N70 while the Cintrion drink rakes in N50 million for the actress.
Iyanya –N60 million MTN deal
After winning MTN Project Fame in 2008, Kukere crooner Iyanya made a lot of money from his jaw-dropping endorsement deals with top brands. His endorsement deal with MTN is worth #60 million. He also has a $350,000 endorsement deal with Zinox computers and a #35 million deal with phone manufacturing company Solo Mobile where he also received a 2014 Prado SUV.
Wizkid -  MTN is worth N45 million
His deal with Telecommunications network MTN is worth #45 million. Wizkid also has endorsement deal with Pepsi worth about  $350,000. He has another endorsement deal with Guinness. No wonder the Jaiye Jaiye crooner could afford to replace his crashed 25 million naira Porsche Panamera with a brand new one just two weeks after.
Omawumi – Glo deal worth N25 million
Omawumi shot into limelight after becoming 1st runner up at the 2007 West African Idols. She is now one of the highest paid female artistes charging up to 5 million naira per show. She is also one of the singers with the highest number of endorsement deals. Glo deal is said to worth N25 million. Others include  including Konga worth between 5 – 10 million naira, Mortein and Malta Guinness
Tiwa Savage – MTN deal worth N30 million
Apart from her very successful music career the First Lady of  Mavin Records, also has a number of juicy endorsement deals worth several millions of naira. Her MTN deal is reportedly worth N30 million. Other deals include contracts with Pepsi,  Forte Oil and Maggi
Davido – N30 million MTN Pulse deal
Aye crooner Davido has deals with MTN Pulse and Guinness Nigeria. While the Guinness deal hasn’t been declared his MTN contract is reported to have made the Omo Baba Olowo N30 million richer.
Banky W, Kate Henshaw, Mr Ibu, Saka
R & B Singer Banky Wellington popularly known as Banky W is smiling to the bank with his jaw-dropping N100 million endorsement deal with Samsung mobile as well as his endorsement with MTN.

 Kate Henshaw also has an endorsement with Samsung as the Face of Samsung Mobile. She has other multimillion naira endorsements like Face of Blessing Perfume and Face of Onga.
Veteran Nollywood Actor Mr Ibu has been entertaining movie lovers for a very long time. Just recently, he got two very lucrative endorsement deals, one as an ambassador for Sports Betting company MerryBet and another one as brand ambassador for GoTv.
Saka is known for his strange roles in movies. The funny actor is known for his ‘I don port’ campaign and he received a whopping #20 million when he switched from Etisalat to MTN. He also has a lucrative deal with Soulmate hair cream where he had appeared a number of their adverts
D’Banj gets close to N100 million, Psquare N140 from Glo
Dbanj’s deal with Glo is said to be in the region of N100 million while Psquare’s deal with same outfit goes for N140 million. Just few months after Mike Ezuronye was dropped as Glo Ambassador, he ported to Airtel in a very lucrative endorsement deal running into millions.  Burna Boy and Waje have multimillion naira endorsement deals as Glo Ambassadors. Limpopo crooner Kcee and Chidinma are both MTN Ambassadors with lucrative deals worth over #20 million each.
Flavour N’albania -
Flavour has become one of the most sought after Nigerian artistes and charges nothing less than 4.5 million – 5 million naira for shows in Nigeria and #8 million naira to perform at international events. He has multimillion naira endorsements with well known brands such as Globacom, Harp and Onga seasoning.