Got this from another site and I decided to paste it here.
Jul 24, 2009
The Moshood Fayemiwo Interview. Part II
- IBB killed Abiola, Abacha, Idiagbon, Ige and Elewi
- Abacha died of spiked viagra
- SSS kept Abiola's sex tape
- Abiola kept Samuel Doe's money in Swiss Bank
- Abiola funded 1985 Coup with $10 million
- Nigeria would break up soon
Two weeks ago we served you the first part of the no holds barred
interview with pro democracy journalism icon, MOSHOOD FAYEMIWO. We now
present the concluding part of the damning revelations concerning
leading political and military personalities and landmark events during
the darkest days of Nigeria under military dictatorship. The interview
was anchored by our managing editor, OLADIMEJI ABITOGUN. Excerpts:
Why would you consider it fair to pin all the mis-governance on
Hausa/Fulani area. You know other individuals from other tribes and
parts of Nigeria are guilty as well…
People who are students of history, especially those who have studied
the Hausa/Fulani oligarchy, if you have read a book by J.F.A. Ade –
Ajayi, Africa in the Nineteenth Century, it is about the history,
explained the history of Hausa State, talks of the arrival of one Baya
Jida from the Middle East who married the Queen of Daura. I think from
the present Katsina State.
And between them they had seven Hausa sons who are called the Banza
Bakwai. And then there were seven other illegitimate sons of same man.
The seven illegitimate sons later formed the fourteen Hausa States.
Daura, Katsina, Zau Zau (Zaria), Kano, Rano and Biram, Gwandu
The Fulanis arrived in the Northern area and conquered the Hausas.
Hausas and Fulani had historically been separate people. I studied
African History at the graduate level and learned from respectable and
unbiased professors; the best in the field. It is important that people
understand this story, and eventually, the Fulani legitimized their
power over the Hausas and imposed their religion and ways of life on the
Hausas. Historically, Hausas were not Moslems; their religion was what
they called Maigazuya or Maigazurra kind of religion. This comprised
magic, witchcraft and all the rest, mixed with Islam. The Fulanis came
and emasculated the Hausas, changed their religion and even their ways
of life. Today, these Fulanis who speak Fulfude are in Northern Nigeria.
They became Hausa-Fulani and are determined to turn Nigeria into an
Islamic enclave. This is the war that Chief Obafemi Awolowo fought to
resist; we are still fighting it today in Nigeria. People do not know
what is happening and that is why I said those who are ruling Nigeria,
who are destroying that nation, you can count them, a handful of them.
What they do is that they believe that political, religious and economic
powers in Nigeria belong to them. They see others as second-class
citizens, they are full of hubris. The way they operate is to plant
Emirs in even non-Moslem and non-Hausa-Fulani towns and villages. Can
you believe that Lafia in Nassarawa State with just a handful of
Hausa-Fulani should be governed by an Emir? I served in Ilorin, Kwara
State during my NYSC and could count the number of Hausa-Fulani resident
in that city yet they are ruled by an Emir.
While we, in the South are running after money, not yet able to put our
acts together, these people have perfected how they are going to rule
Nigeria forever. Yorubas, Ibos,Ibibios, Efik, Benin, Kalabaris,
Itshekiri and the rest in the South should wake up otherwise our
children and grandchildren will curse us in our graves after we have
gone. They will ask just as my children are asking me now in America;
Daddy, what did you do? Are you just watching?. There is discrimination
in Nigeria to the level that since the 1960’s no person outside the
Hausa – Fulani oligarchy has ruled Nigeria. The two periods under
southern leadership was more or less accidental.
The death, the assassination of Muritala Mohammed paved the way for
Obasanjo to rule in the 1976 and after a democratically acclaimed
election was held in 1993, the only person who could represent the
genuine aspirations of Nigerians, M.K.O. Abiola was stopped by the
oligarchy. They brought their man, Olusegun Obasanjo, to rule again.
Between 1976-1979, Obasanjo was not even ruling; the power really was in
the hands of the late General Shehu Musa Yar’Adua, the elder brother of
the one there now; Umaru. The late General Olufemi Olutoye once
narrated a story in his autobiography where he said, immediately
Obasanjo was sworn into office in 1976 following Muritala Muhammed’s
death, he came to Doddan Barracks and explained the situation of other
ethnic tribes to him in federal appointments and the need to redress
anomaly. He left after his discussions with Obasanjo and few hours
later, Obasanjo set for him. The late Gen. Musa Yar’Adua, the then Chuef
of Staff Supreme Headquarters was already waiting and in the latter’s
presence, Obasanjo asked him to repeat what he had just said few hours
earlier. He, Olutoye repeated what he told Obasanjo. The following
morning, Olutoye’s retirement was announced on the FRCN. It was so bad
in the 1970s down till the 1990s that some Southerners in the Nigerian
Military had to change their names to Mohammed, Umaru and even converted
into Islam to get promotion. I knew those Southerners who left the
Nigerian Army out of frustration because of this nonsense. The fact of
the matter is there is no Nigerian Army, what we have is Northern
Nigerian Army. We cannot continue like this as a people, Southerners
must assert their legitimate rights in their own fatherland or we go our
separate ways, period.
Do you know I have more rights as a Nigerian-American here in the United States than my native land Nigeria?
So look at Nigerian history, by next year, we shall be fifty years old
as a nation. No non-Northerner has always earned a genuine mandate for
the aspirations of our people. They control the military; this is the
reality, the internal colonization of the country that I am talking
The southerners must sit down and organize and say that it is either
they are accepted as equals or everybody must go his own way.
What is the real legitimate reason for the annulment of June 12
elections? What do you know in view of the fact that some people claim
IBB had intelligence, almost incontrovertible that Abiola was a CIA
Some analysts say Babangida was pressurized, this and that, in annulling
that election. That was hogwash. A person, a rogue, a coup plotter like
Babangida, a former drug baron like Babangida, could not be pushed by
anybody. They even said what they wanted you journalists to believe that
some officers in the military put a gun to his head. That did not
happen. Which officer could do that so that he could annul the election?
These are the rubbish they are feeding Nigerians. It is so sad that
those who called themselves leaders appear on television and lie
barefaced to Nigerians and we believe them. These are not men and women
of honor, I tell you. They lie, they steal and they kill. Since 1960,
the act of governance, administration has always been in secrecy. There
are two stories to every government decision and policy in Nigeria as I
have pointed out to you. Two levels of information exist in Nigeria, to
create a façade and avoid public scrutiny. Political actors give us two
stories, the official story and the unofficial story. And the Nigerian
press goes with the official story. They are part and parcel of the
official. That organized conspiracy was elevated to official pastime
during the disastrous years called the IBB years. You know they always
appeared on television or during their media chats with these ludicrous
epithets; “We do not run our government on the pages of newspapers.”
Even the so-called Obasanjo “elected government, you hear them telling
Nigerians “oh this government is not run on the pages of newspapers”.
Why should government not be run on the pages of newspapers? In a
democracy? That is why you will know that there are two versions of
stories. The truth, which only few people would be privy to are the
official stories that they use the media to push out to the Nigerian
Public. That was what happened on June 12.
We all know that June 12 is the ultimate culmination of the 1985 coup of
survival which Babangida staged for self – preservation.
Let us be frank, the man did not want to leave the place. He was coming
out with the idea of diarchy. He sent people like Mukoro Tony Nyiam to
study the idea in Egypt, Santiago in Chile, and an admixture of civilian
and military leadership. That was what the man was planning until
Abiola decided to contest. Of course you know the story of how Abiola
emerged as the candidate of the then Social Democratic Party S.D.P.
Abiola was able to emerge as the presidential flag bearer as the SDP in
Jos as late Major – General Shehu Musa Yar’ Adua discovered that,
Ambassador Baba Gana Kingibe was pealing away votes from Atiku Abubakar
for Abiola.
The forces of Atiku and Abiola teamed up and worked for Abiola’s
victory. What they did was that six people met at the residence of
Ambassador Yaya Kwade on Ibrahim Taiwo Avenue in Jos, M.K.O. Abiola, his
first son, Kola, Dr. Jonathan Zwingina (later became a senator), Major
General Shehu Musa Yar’ Adua himself, Atiku Abubakar and Yaya Kwande.
And they agreed, and Abiola himself appended his signature that the
forces of Atiku Abubakar will co-operate and that when Abiola emerged as
the flag bearer that he would make Atiku Abubakar his running mate.
Abiola agreed. He became the flag bearer of the SDP.
While they were there, because we have to be frank, it was not actually a
primary, for those of us who were there, Abiola bought the ticket,
because of his money power. Where Ambassador Kingibe was spending N500,
N2, 000 to buy delegates, Abiola upped the stakes to N10, 000, N20, 000
per delegate. Unknown to Abiola, Babangida’s agents were filming
everything live. They captured everything on tape. For example, Abiola
gave N10m cash to Lamidi Adedibu. And the late Adedibu was captured on
tape with wads of Naira notes shouting to Oyo State delegates “Eyin ara
Ibadan, Owo Abiola ti de”, meaning “Folks from Ibadan, Abiola’s cash has
landed” (laughs) openly. You know the man was a political jobber,
half-illiterate. And suddenly, delegates for Atiku and Kingibe moved and
switched to Abiola. Abiola instructed Kola to increase the stakes to
N20, 000 against N500 from the others. It was cash and carry for Abiola.
They were all caught on tape and that was the tape that Babangida sent
to the State Department here in the United States to justify the
annulment among other reasons
So all the trips to Abuja where he allegedly accused Abiola of operating for CIA….
No. He did not even give that reason. It was his crony, Sani Abacha, I
am coming back to that issue, and it was Obasanjo who prompted Sani
Abacha to stage the November 24, 1993 coup.
There were basically three reasons Babangida annulled the election.
First, the man didn’t just want to go. He wanted diarchy. That was why
Olumilua, Adeleke, Ebri, Osoba, Otedola ruled with him for two years.
Secondly, there were deep – seated animosities between him and Abiola.
Most Nigerians do not want to hear this that the money kept in Abiola’s
account through an arrangement brokered by Babangida was one of the
reasons that caused the problem. And of course when Maryam Babangida
went to Beijing in China, there were reports that Abiola slept with the
woman, which no one knew. Whether it was a lie, it was going to be a
lie. These were the personal reasons. Babangida’s personal self
entrenchment and the betrayal of each other over Sergeant Samuel Kanyon
Doe’s money.
Doe was looking for where to keep the money he had stolen from the
Liberian economy. He was looking for a place to keep the money for his
wife Nancy and his children. So he approached Babangida. And Babangida
told him “hey, I’m president here and I don’t want to put the money in
my account. We have a friend who we can use”.
That was how he suggested Abiola and of course, Abiola had investment in
Liberia. So the money was paid into Abiola’s Swiss Account.
After Doe died, Nancy, his wife came all the way from London to Nigeria.
No Nigerian newspaper, most editors knew, but did not want to carry it.
None of them could carry the story, the plan was for…. Babangida had
suggested to Doe to go on exile at the thick of the Liberian war. He
felt he could go to Saudi Arabia. The late Idi Amin also came to Nigeria
and stayed in Sheraton Hotel during that period. Idi Amin called and
advised Doe not to go on exile, that with timing, the war may eventually
favor Doe. Idi Amin was the one who told him not to go on exile.
The Saudi authorities were ready to take Doe. As it eventually turned
out, Doe was killed by Yormie Johnson’s soldiers. So his family, Doe’s
families were now in need and they came to Nigeria to ask for what their
bread winner had kept for them. Babangida welcomed them, and then he
sent for Abiola. Abiola replied that, well the money was paid into the
late Simbiat Abiola, his first wife’s account. And that he wasn’t the
person holding that account, that it was Kola Abiola and that Babangida
should call his first son, Kola. So Babangida felt insulted that this
was a friend of both of them who was in need so that he could take care
of his family and Abiola was saying all those kind of things. You know
how I was able to authenticate the story? Through the late Shehu Musa
Yar ‘Adua, because Chris Mamman, who eventually became Chief Press
Secretary to former Vice President Atiku Abubakar took me to General
Yar’ Adua’s office in Victoria Island. Nancy Doe, the wife of late
Samuel Doe of Liberia is in London, you guys should track her down for
an interview. Nigerian newspapers don’t have the resources in the first
place to pursue that kind of story and secondly, no editor in Nigeria
will dare venture to publish such a story. I told you that Babangida has
corrupted virtually all of them either directly or indirectly. It’s
just so bad that most editors are on the payroll of the SSS while some
are moles in the newsroom. Some editors have to be looking over their
shoulders when they are planning stories because you just don’t know who
would betray you to the soldiers in power. I doubt whether that culture
has changed much. As I have said, we have the finest and the best
journalists in the world but the institutional obstacles in media houses
are formidable. Nigerian Journalists are poorly paid, there is no
insurance and the tools are not there for them to work.
Was Mr. Mamman there during this conversation?
Yes. It was General Yar’ Adua who gave us the story. And he also said it
that when Abiola ran into trouble, that he said, that he, Yar’ Adua had
warned Abiola that “are you sure”, he was telling Chris Mamman that he
told Abiola “are you sure that our friend Ibrahim was ready to leave?”
That was what he said he asked him when he wanted to run for the
presidency. “I wanted to be president too, the man banned me. Are you
sure you would not be banned?” That even if you win the election, are
you sure that Babangida was ready to go?” All that with the Doe offer…”
and Abiola assured him that he too had done a lot of favors for
Babangida in the past, he was the one who gave him money when he struck
in 1985, that the two of them had extended favors to each other, and
that he did not see a reason why Babangida would not want him to succeed
him. This was from the mouth of Shehu Musa Yar’ Adua in the presence of
Chris Mamman. But most newspapers would not carry this story in
Babangida had been saying that Abiola would not last more than sixty
days, ninety days. No soldier, no person put any gun on his head.
Have you met Babangida in person before?
I wouldn’t say that I met him one on one. The first time I saw him was
in 1985, while I worked with Concord. One of Abiola’s wives had a baby
and they were having the naming ceremony. Virtually all the top editors
of Concord titles were in Abiola’s house that night at Moshood Abiola
crescent at Ikeja; that was the first time I saw Babangida afar. In fact
it was at that ceremony, the naming ceremony, that the details of the
August 27, 1985 coup were fine tuned. That was where they planned
everything. That was where Abiola released the money for the boys…
How much?
Ten million U.S. dollars cash. They wanted money. Babangida and his boys
never knew whether the coup would succeed or not. And they needed
money. There was no other safe meeting point were Babangida and Abiola
would have a conversation. Rafindadi, the National Security
Organization, NSO’s boss, had already bugged Babangida’s telephone
lines. They used the innocent child’s naming ceremony as a cover – up.
Duro Onabule was there that day. I think it was Ebenezer Obey that
entertained, there were lots of musicians. I think Sikiru Ayinde
Barrister also played that night. So while guests were in front of
Abiola’s house, the military guys who came with Babangida, Abubakar Umar
and the others retired to the back of Abiola’s house. It was in that
place that they struck. They had chosen October 1 st, 1985 as I told you
before but acted faster. Buhari is still alive; he should confirm or
deny what I am saying… They knew the details. I am issuing that
challenge. Up till today Buhari has not spoken on why he was toppled. He
should speak out. Top editors can corroborate what I am telling you
now. They know it. May be they’re waiting for Babangida to die and then
they would come out with their “exclusive.”
You promised me you would reveal the story behind Abacha’s coup and how and the way he died?.
Oh yes. Not only that, let me also tell you how Abiola died. When
Babangida was chased out, his tail between his legs, or whatever he
chose to call it, “stepping aside”, he had lost the initiative, right?
They put up the contraption called ING (Interim National Government). He
knew that his friend, the Chief of Army Staff and the Defense Minister,
Sani Abacha would stage the coup. There were some young Army Officers
led by Col. Bello Fadile, who wanted to stage a coup, to pre-empt
Abacha’s take over. Those guys went to Ota farm to inform Obasanjo. Are
you listening to me? Those guys were between the ranks of majors and
colonels. They were young guys who wanted to stage a coup and remove
Shonekan. We don’t know whether they were planning to revalidate June
12. They went to Obasanjo at Ota Farm, Ogun State to tell him and when
they left, Obasanjo wrote a personal letter to Abacha. When Obasanjo saw
that the boys, he knew they were radicals. He knew that if those guys
succeeded in their coup, there would be a lot of things that would
happen in Nigeria which he did not like. So he wrote a personal letter
to Abacha to do something about it. And that was more or less a coded
way of telling Abacha to stage a coup. It was that letter that Abacha
used to rope Obasanjo into the coup saga later on when Obasanjo snubbed
Abacha. That letter got him in jail.
Abacha had also sworn to have his day against Obasanjo for spiting him
by declining a ride in the presidential plane with him to Mandela’s
inauguration in South Africa. He invited Obasanjo for a ride. Obasanjo
said he would not be going. When Abacha staged his own coup in November
17, 1993 because of the personal letter of instigation from Obasanjo,
Obasanjo refused the presidential ride. When Abacha got to South Africa,
he saw Obasanjo and he said “ha ha”. When he came back, he had this
attitude like Idi Amin that “if you are not my friend, you must be my
enemy. And if you are my enemy, you must die”. (Laughs) So he got the
message that this guy was trying to avoid him and that was why he did
not ride with him to South Africa. That Obasanjo’s snobbery was what
landed him in trouble. He was double-dealing. Consulted for Abacha in
secret and avoided and distanced himself in public. For Shehu Musa
Yar’Adua, he got into trouble for sponsoring a motion calling for
return-to-civil rule in 1998 at the so-called Constitutional Conference
set up by Abacha. He went to the NUJ Lighthouse to address a press
conference and later that day, as Abacha’s hit men were after him, he
jetted out of the country to Saudi Arabia. Three weeks later when he
returned to Nigeria, Abacha ordered he should be picked up and you know
the rest of the story.
So, how did Abacha die?
Remember there are two story lines to events in Nigeria. The official
one that they dish out to you journalists which they use to hide the
real truth, and the unofficial one which is the real thing but which
would not be published in the newspapers. That is the real story which
is usually unofficial. It still happens today. Remember how they
desperately denied your story that Yar’ Adua was sick? You see that the
man still looks very sickly. You cannot rely on government spokesmen or
their ubiquitous press releases.
They want Nigerians and the international community to think that Abacha
died in the hands of two Indian prostitutes. It is a lie. I was
kidnapped and kept by the Directorate of Military Intelligence, DMI, at
that time. You know being detained by DMI allows one has a peep into the
real happenings in Nigeria. That is the secret of government. The DMI
is where most intelligence stories come out.
This is the way Abacha died. Abacha was eliminated by the Hausa/Fulani
oligarchy. There were three reasons why they took him out. When he came
into power and removed the ING and refused to revalidate June 12
election, the Northerners were happy. While he was clamping the NADECO
people and was hounding most of us in the radical media and threatened
to destroy and kill people in Lagos, the oligarchy and followers were
happy and cheering him.
But when Abacha decided to attack Yar’ Adua by administering toxic
injection on him and the man was killed inside Abakaliki prison, killing
the head of the Kaduna Mafia like that, the Northerners now knew too
late that Abacha was not fighting for the oligarchy. It was the death of
Musa Yar’ Adua that opened their eyes; that this so called Abacha had a
personal agenda.
You know they were hiding his real identity. They were shielding his
background that he was not originally from Nigeria. He was not
Hausa/Fulani. He was Kanuri. They were not part of the Hausa/Fulani
oligarchy. Although he adopted Kano as his home town he was originally
from Chad. His family migrated from Chad. There are many of them in the
North who joined the military at that time. There is no serious
journalist in Nigeria who has been able to trace this guy’s background
at least to three of four generations. If you go to Owo or Akure today,
at least I would know the Abitogun family. Right. I would be able to
tell the world that your great grandfather was a king of Ijebu – Owo…
Nobody has been able to do that concerning the Abachas. In Nigeria,
nobody is interested in all these kinds of things.
So the man…
Have you done that yourself?
That is why I am telling you that the man was not a Nigerian. If a
child’s father died… I lost my father early in life, but when you hear,
you know that there are only two Fayemiwos in Yoruba land. One family in
Ilesha and our own in Owo. And then the Ogedengbe Yoruba intra tribal
war happened, and was displaced.
But in the case of this man, Abacha was not a Nigerian. The Nigerian
army was anything goes. When Yar’ Adua was killed by Abacha’s agent, if
there was any godfather of the Hausa/Fulani, it was Shehu Musa Yar’
Adua. He was the head of the Kaduna Mafia. He was instrumental in
advancing and placing many Northerners in the civil service. The current
president Umaru and the former Chief of Supreme Headquarters, Shehu,
were both born by the same man, Musa Yar’ Adua who was the first
Minister of Lagos during Balewa regime under the Northern People’s
Congress Government.
Shehu Musa Yar’ Adua was the only Nigerian Military officer promoted from a colonel to major general. He was never a brigadier.
The man was powerful and killing him because of political differences was an eye opener. And they said Abacha himself must go.
Abacha was planning to achieve three things by October 1, 1998. He was
planning to remove the Emir of Kano, Ado Bayero, because Ado Bayero did
not come to Aso Rock to commiserate with him over the death of Ibrahim
Abacha, his controversial first son who died in the plane crash. That
was another story on its own.
Abacha wrote it down.
he was to move and arrest Babangida on October 1, 1998, as
he would have been sworn in as civilian president. Babangida was to join
Obasanjo and Abiola in prison.
Thirdly, he was planning to remove Abubakar Abdul Salam as Minister of
Defense. These were the three things on his list of things to do. He
wrote it down and it was on his table.
The people leaked out the information. His Chief Security Officer, CSO,
Major Hamzat Al – Mustapha saw the information and went to Kano to leak
the information to Ado Bayero. Brigadier Sabo who was in DMI came to
Abuja to brief Abacha and he saw the information. Abacha had excused
himself in the middle of a discussion with Sabo. He looked at what
Abacha wrote down that Babangida would be arrested on October 1, 1998.
Sabo was afraid. It was Babangida who helped him into his position.
Immediately, he left Aso Rock Presidential Villa, in Abjua, Sabo went to
Babangida in Minna and told him what Abacha was planning to do. So the
mafia went to work. The mafia and Babangida pulled resources together.
They made up their mind that Abacha must be removed as early as January
1998. They were planning how to remove him. Babangida knew him very well
that he loved women.
So that man did not die in the hands of two Indian women. That was a
lie. It was a Nigerian who was used. His estranged girlfriend. Babangida
and Abacha did not talk; they were not on speaking terms in the last
two years of the regime. I knew that as far back as 1996, Babangida and
Abacha were not on speaking terms. So when Sabo took the story to Minna,
that this was what Abacha was planning, to arrest Babangida before
October 1 st, Babangida and the oligarchy teamed up, a coalition of
forces. They knew that if they had acted earlier, that Diya would likely
become the Head of State, so they waited and removed Diya, who was pro
Abiola first before striking against Abacha. Do you understand the story
of Nigeria now? They knew Diya was pro June 12 and they had to frame
him up and discredit him thoroughly so that he could not succeed Abacha…
Are you saying that Al – Mustapha’s tale about Diya’s cowardice was more baloney?
Al – Mustapha spoke within the limits of what was immediately open and
obvious to him. He himself did not know the complexity of the situation
of what we are talking about. Mustapha who came from Kano only knew that
Abacha wanted to remove his Emir and told the Emir, so that, perhaps
that one could initiate reconciliation. Babangida knew Abacha very well.
There were no two Indian prostitutes. They found the old girlfriend of Abacha and they gave her spiked Viagra.
Following the script crafted by Babangida, the lady went to Jeremiah
Timbuktu Useni and told him that she wanted to settle the lingering
squabble with her boyfriend, Abacha. Useni brought the girl and
genuinely thought she actually came to make up with Abacha.
He took her to Abacha’s guest house, and from what I gathered, the lady
was probably a friend to Useni’s daughter. Useni has a daughter; his
first daughter, Hadiza who graduated from the University of Jos and she
was a friend to Abacha’s girlfriend that the Babangida group used. Useni
may not be aware that the lady and his first daughter Hadiza were
friends. These guys are dirty, I tell you. They sleep with their
friends’ wives and their daughters. And you can understand Abacha’s
sexual escapades if you have read Dr. Taiwo Ogunade’s interview. Usually
by one or two pm, Abacha would have left the office. The man would just
go to his guest house and then the easy virtue ladies would be taking a
queue. The man had high libido. So when Jerry Useni brought this lady,
she apologized, and she made up with Abacha. So Abacha said it has been a
long time they did it and that he wanted to do it from the anus. Abacha
liked sodomizing his women. Then the lady said if he wanted to do it
that way and for her to enjoy it, Abacha needed to use Viagra. Are you
following me now? It was the lady who gave Abacha Viagra. These are
stories that no Nigerian newspapers would publish but had relied on
Abdusalam Abubakar version.
May be they don’t know about it?
I don’t know what is wrong with them. It is an international story, but
they won’t publish this kind of story. Besides, if anyone gave it to
them, they would be afraid and lamentably, they don’t have the resources
to investigate. They would give you the official story that is the
story everybody would run away with “oh two Indian prostitutes”. Where
are the Indian ladies? It’s all rubbish. So once you are given spiked
Viagra, you can’t survive it. Immediately Abacha started jerking, the
lady just vamoosed. The security details came and wondered what was
happening. Abacha died before 12 midnight. They brought him to Aso Rock
around 11 pm. They didn’t know what to do.
Meanwhile, Useni had gone home after delivering the lethal lady to
Abacha. He had gone his way after delivering the cargo. The man did not
know what happened. He too was a useless man. He’s alive. Let him
corroborate what I am saying.
Jeremiah Useni is still alive. Let him tell Nigerians what happened that
night. No Indian prostitutes. Nothing happened. Abacha died in the
evening. We heard about his death very early in DMI. The three guys who
would have been president were Omenka, (please emphasize this place)
Abubakar Abdulsalami would not have been Head of State. Al – Mustapha,
Omenka and Sabo were the three guys. They would have seized power.
Abacha actually died inside his private car in the guest house. He was
foaming. He was very loose during that period. He was always moving
about in unmarked 504 without any security detail. You would think he
was an ordinary person in the tainted glass car. He was very loose. The
Peoples Liberation Army of Nigeria was able to tail his movement in
Abuja. They knew where the man was going; they knew everything that was
happening. Of course, Prof. Banjo can corroborate what I am saying. The
man was very loose and not very security conscious, even at night.
When his remains were brought to Aso Rock, Al – Mustapha completely took
charge. He allowed Sabo and Omenka to come in around one or two a.m.
Babangida called from Minna, because he knew what he had done, the call
was so coincidental because Mrs. Maryam Abacha took the call, not
knowing what had transpired, broke the news to Babangida. And Babangida
landed at Aso Rock that night. And Babangida took over Aso Rock. He was
the one who allowed Abubakar Abdulsalami inside the Dome. Abubakar
Abdulsalam was completely oblivious of what had happened to Abacha.
Babangida entered Ask Rock before Abubakar. Omenka is in Brazil with his
wife, you guys should call him and let’s see if he will talk.
Al-Mustapha is in detention and I hope the young man will regain his
freedom so he can talk.
In the hierarchy of military seniority, Useni should have become Head of
State immediately Abacha died but be was not allowed in until around 7
a.m. He wanted to come in but Babangida said he should be disallowed.
Maryam Abacha was annoyed with Useni, because she saw him as the
enabler, who was teaching her husband all the bad things. Useni was
really loose when it came to women. Useni did not know what was
happening. He came to Aso Rock with the mind to enter, Babangida was
inside. So it was Babangida who now proclaimed Abubakar the new ruler.
Babangida had told Abdulsalami few months earlier not to retire because
he still had one more thing to do for him (Babangida), in other words,
I’m going to “remove Abacha, remove Diya and I would bring you in”. That
was how Abubakar Abdulsalami became head of state.
Is there a way to know this Abacha’s alleged girl friend?
I don’t know. There are lots of mysteries happening in that country.
There is no Indian prostitute. Women are so many in Nigeria, that Abacha
would least think of any expatriate prostitute. You too should think
about it. No Indian prostitute (laughs). They had already made up their
mind that this was the story they want to sell us.
The same thing about Abiola, Babangida knew that if Abiola survived,
Abiola would possibly put him on trial. Abiola would have tried
Babangida. Babangida could have been killed or put in prison.
Immediately after Abacha’s death, they made up their mind that they had
to kill Abiola. That is why Babangida is infecting a lot of people. So
after his death only few people would be able to talk. If I were to be
in Nigeria, I would not be able to say all this but I would probably
have published it anyway. The man has done a lot of damage to that
country. I am telling you, a lot of people have died in the hands of
IBB. He is trying to cover it all up. Do you know how Gen. Tunde
Idiagbon died? Obasanjo called Idiagbon in Ilorin and hinted that he was
considering him as new Chief of Army Staff in 1999 immediately he was
sworn in. Babangida advised against it and his Man Friday, Aliyu
Muhammad Gusau objected against it. Obasanjo was hell bent and invited
Idiagbon to Aso Rock. The poor man was served the same tea Abiola was
served and Idiagbon returned to his home at Adeleye Crescent in Ilorin.
About 21 days later, the man died; no sickness, no headache, no illness.
Babangida was afraid of Idiagbon becoming COAS under Obasanjo.
Throughout the time Idiagbon was in detention after they were toppled in
1985, in all the letters he wrote to his wife in Ilorin from detention,
his pleading was that his wife should not fly aircraft or travel out
because some people were planning to put hard drugs in her luggage in
order to blackmail her. When I was serving in the NYSC, I lived in the
next street to Idiagbon’s house and I used to visit the family regularly
after leaving Gen. David Jemibewon’s house on Umar Audi Road, G.R.A.
along Take Road, Ilorin.
It was because Bola Ige wanted to expose Babangida’s drug activities
that they killed him. The man was coming here to take up appointment at
the United Nations and he had some files with him incriminating
Babangida and some of his cocaine boys but you see, they had to use
Deoba Omisore as a cover. Obasanjo himself was cautious during the
8-years he was in Aso Rock, I am sure he looked the other way and that
was why he castigated Bola Ige that the man didn’t know his right from
his left. In other words, Bola Ige was naïve, you know, Obasanjo is a
survivalist, a very wily and dubious man. He knows how to dine with the
devil and come out unscathed.
They also killed Haruna Elewi, the former Minister for State for
Communications. They used him to bring the boys who killed Bola Ige,
because he knew Bola Ige’s house. They killed Bola Ige and removed the
file. And after accomplishing their objective, they also got rid of
Elewi. They killed Haruna Elewi himself.
Why didn’t Nigerian journalists hear of Justice Ubahomu Commission of
Enquiry? Did you hear of it? That was the commission Buhari set up to
try drug pushers. Immediately Babangida staged his coup, we heard no
more of the commission. There are stories in Nigeria; there are lots of
cover ups. Babangida scrapped the commission. And I don’t know if the
man is still alive. A lot of people died to cover him up. He was there
for eight years, and he is still covering up. Maybe when he is dead all
these things that I am telling you, would be blown open. When I was
publishing Razor in Nigeria, all those stories of Justice Chukwudifu
Oputa panel, I had already published them and were not new. They
described them as junk when we were publishing them. But all the stories
have been confirmed.
How was your detention experience in Alagbon before you escaped to Benin Republic?
There were the other people I was detained with, Dr. Wale Babalakin, Dr.
Femi Adekanye of defunct Commerce Bank, Ralph Osayemeh, Polycarp Nwite,
Duro Emmanuel, Machan Zoaka, Chuma Nzeribe, Chief Femi Ajayi, Mr.
Arigbe, Hasan Sani Kotagora, Kola Abiola. I was the one who gave Kola a
mattress to sleep when they brought him to Alagbon. Kola Abioa was a
very useless guy, very stupid, an ingrate. I was the secretary-general
of Alagbon Detainees Association at FIIB, Alagbon, Bisket, Bisi Okeowo,
then Bisi Shaba now Mrs Dan Musa and the late Kudirat Abiola.
Mrs Kudirat Abiola told me to watch out for her when she was brought to
FIIB. She said “Ah Moshood, this is where they kept you?” “Why didn’t
you send your wife to me?” And I said “auntie I don’t want to disturb
you”. She gave me some inside stories too when I was publishing Razor. I
would come to her house and I was always sending my wife to her, my
former wife.
Besides what we have heard and read, what was the real reason Abacha ordered her assassination?
When Abiola was arrested and taken to Abuja in 1995, Abiola requested
that he wanted one of his wives to come and cook for him for the Ramadan
fast and he made the proposition to Abacha in the spirit of Islamic
brotherhood and Abacha said “ok, which one would you want?” And Abiola
said Kudirat Olayinka. So Abacha said fine.
So they gave Kudirat the message from Abacha to tell Abiola to drop his
mandate. Kudirat herself told me that she replied to them that she would
try to convince Abiola. Are you following me? She said she went there,
cooked for Abiola and of course they had sex. You know what the security
guys did; they captured everything on tape, ok?
After 1995 when the Ramadan fast was over, Kudirat left Abuja and
returned to Lagos. The journalists were after her. What happened?
Instead of her to say that she had access to Abiola and that things were
being worked out between Abacha and Abiola just as agreed with Abacha,
the woman was her principled self. And Abacha was expecting her to say
that Abiola had renounced his mandate, the woman said no and told us
that the man was committed to his mandate more than any other thing.
Abacha got mad that this was not the agreement. So he now sent words to
Kudirat to apologize for all press interviews. He wanted Kudirat to
apologize to him for what she said to journalists. Abacha called the
late Oba Oyebade Lipede, the then Alake of Egba. Abacha instructed the
Oba to personally bring Kudirat to Aso Rock to apologize for the public
disgrace. Haven’t you seen the Nigerian constitution? A monarch
virtually has no power. A Local Government Chairman can remove a king.
So Abacha was so audacious and wanted Alake of Egba to do a police job.
They had no power under Abacha. Abacha arrogated absolute power to
himself. That is why he was able to steal. If you became an ordinary
governor in Nigeria, you would never be poor. There were no check and
balances. Very lawless.
So Alake now sent for Kudirat to come to Abeokuta and when she got to
the palace, Alake now told her that this is what Abacha said “you have
caused problem again oh, Abacha said I must bring you to Aso Rock”.
Kudirat said “over my dead body. I would prefer to die than going to see him to apologize”.
Oba Lipede relayed the message back to Abacha. Abacha now sent words
back to Kudirat through Oba Lipede that was what she would get… that she
would die. This is the story as Kudirat told me during the few minutes
we were able to talk in Alagbon.
She was planning to go to Canada on exile. I met the Canadian High
Commissioner to Nigeria; Dr. Gerald Olsen before I left Nigeria. Olsen
was one big guy like this. I asked what he felt the Canadian High
Commission could do for me and it was the man who gave me a note to the
Canadian High Commission in Ghana, that there was nothing they could do
from Lagos that I should look at the pathetic case of Kudirat. She came
the same way I came, expressed her fears that she feared for Abacha’s
plan to kill her. Olsen said Canada was willing to risk her relations
with Nigeria to help her out because she was afraid of what happened
between her and Abacha. The man has since been posted away from Nigeria.
Dr. Gerald Olsen. She came to see him a week before she was killed. He
was telling me that I had to first escape from Nigeria to get any
assistance. He gave me a note to their office in Ghana.
Hassan Sani Kotagora was generally believed to be a hate theorist for
the cabal and the oligarchy. How did he end up being detained with you?
Thank you very much. There were several Igbos too. Several bankers were
clamped into jail thinking they were the ones giving us money. What
Abacha was doing to the South was what Hitler did to the Jews. He
thought they were funneling money to us in the trenches. I told you that
Abacha and Babangida had that animosity in the last two years of the
administration. I got to know in Alagbon while I was there.
Hassan Sanni Kotagora owed some money, about N76m. He was arrested for
owing that much. Some Northern leaders intervened on his behalf, Abacha
refused saying he had to cough out what he owed.
So the leaders were now sent to Babangida to assist in talking to
Abacha. And Babangida allegedly said he had not been talking to Abacha
and that he would prefer to pay the money. He sent the check and the
money was paid. And that was the ransom for Hassan Sanni Kotagora’s
release. He did their dirty job and that still did not save him from
their anger.
That is the tragedy.
Now to current events; do you think President Obama will ever visit Nigeria?
What are you and I here for? You think we’ll be watching? Why am I in
Chicago? Both in his first and second terms, Obama will never go to
Nigeria. Are you even sure there will be a country called Nigeria by
2016 when Obama would have finished his second term?
Why did you say so? What will happen?
You wait and see. Events will happen at such a dizzying speed that
Nigerians themselves will be so shocked and surprised that they won’t
believe what is happening. Let me tell you, a nation doesn’t fall and
disintegrate at once, it first begins to crack and all of a sudden, it’s
no more. Leave through history and review how nations fell and
eventually disintegrated. Those who are still holding Nigeria together
as a nation are not more than a handful, praying for that nation;
Adeboye, Ukpai, Okonkwo, Oritsejafor, Akinola, Abiara, Makinde, Oyedepo
and others. That is why that country is still intact; I am talking to
you spiritually now. That grace will soon be removed and you wait and
Do you mean the Niger Delta crisis? You think it will not be contained?
A more deadly crisis is in the offing, in fact, there will soon be
series of crises that those who are milking Nigeria will be taken aback.
That country will soon divide, mark my words. I want you to go and note
this interview. It shan’t be long.
Are you saying there is nothing that can be done to reposition Nigeria?
Not in the current situation, not the way the few cabal destroying that
country is burring its head in the sand like the proverbial ostrich
pretending all is well. The nucleus and life wire of Nigeria is oil;
very soon, that spigot won’t pump oil any more. Meanwhile, people in the
Western world will not need oil anymore. You live here in the United
States and you know what I am talking about. Nigeria is not the giant of
Africa. I don’t know where we got this funny idea from, at best,
Nigeria is a big for nothing country. If population is what a nation
needs to become a world leader, China and India should have been world
leaders. Nigeria swaggers on the world stage as the giant of Africa
because oil is a powerful tool in international political power
equation. Those days will soon be over and by the time the leaders have
nothing to steal any more, the party will soon be over. If those
curmudgeons in Nigeria have senses, they should read and read the speech
President Obama delivered in Accra, Ghana last week.
Do you think General Ibrahim Babangida will ever be brought to book?
As long as he stays in Nigeria, fly to Monaco where most of his loot is
hidden and Switzerland. But we are waiting for him in America. All the
houses he and Abacha and their cronies bought in Arizona, Washington DC,
Texas and Virginia through fronts are under watch. We are waiting for
him to step into the US soil. There are tons of documents we have on him
and we’re waiting for the day he will enter America. Don’t ask me who
are the “they.” I won’t say more than that.